Oxney Organic Estate

Oxney Organic Estate is the UK’s largest single estate, organic vineyard, with over 35 acres of vines.

Kristin Syltevik and Paul Dobson created this mixed farm, with Kristin looking after the wine, and Paul running the arable and livestock aspects.

Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Précoce, Pinot Meunier and Seyval Blanc vines make up their English organic sparkling and still wines.

The whole estate is organic and run with a sustainable and natural approach.

‘Cover crops’ of plants, flowers and herbs are used between the vines to encourage potential pests away from the grapes, and they generate heat from coppiced wood chip.

The winery is located in an old Grade II listed square oast house.

The building has been converted to house the state of the art wine making technology required to make top quality organic English wine.

Receiving visitors is a top priority and the extensive restoration project has created a great location for winery tours and tastings.

A lot of hard work which creates a wonderful terroir for the vines to thrive and produce tasty grapes.

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